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​Why should I send my child to Montessori preschool?

Most educators and psychologists today agree that the single most important period in the development of a person’s intelligence occurs between birth and age five.  When properly nourished and stimulated, the child’s mind forms patterns for learning that serve him or her well throughout his or her life. The Montessori system of preschool education has proven to be one of the most effective methods to guide a child through these critical years.



Why choose Chelsea House Montessori?


Chelsea House Montessori is a school where children learn by doing. The teacher student ratio at Chelsea House is 1:6.  Each child recieves individual attention and curriculum meets them at their level.  Our small size also allows us flexibility in the curriculum, based on the interests of the children. 



What is in a Montessori classroom?

The Montessori classroom is a child-sized world. Whatever is in the world outside can be incorporated meaningfully in the Montessori classroom. To a child, the world is unmanageable — it is too big, too complex and too confusing. With careful selection of materials by the teacher, an environment is set up that allows the child to explore life in a level he or she can understand. The materials or exercises are designed to stimulate independent exploration. This prepared environment entices the child to proceed at his or her own pace from simple activities to more complex ones. Through this process the child’s natural curiosity is satisfied and he or she begins to experience the joy of discovering their world. Materials and curriculum center around practical life, sensorial, language, math, geography, science, music, drama and dance.



What about socialization and group work?


Socialization is very much a part of the Montessori method. In the classroom you’ll notice children interacting continuously, choosing to work on projects together and older children helping younger ones. Bilingual children can especially benefit from this opportunity to work on their English skills. Each day there is some group activity and play outside.



Are the children ready for kindergarten when they graduate?


Children who graduate from Chelsea House Montessori are more than ready for kindergarten and are invariably ahead of their class.  The school also offers a kindergarten program and a number of our children continue through kindergarten and go to the gifted program in 1st grade.  



Why is a school visit important?


The school visit provides an opportunity for parents/family to learn about the school, ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have. Our school looks for children who are curious and open to learning. We also look for parents who will support their child in their formative years and with whom we can form a valuable partnership to nurture their young child/children.



Can I enroll my child mid-year?


We enroll children mid-year depending on the child's age and prior school experience. 



Do you offer early care and aftercare?


We have early care from 8:00 am and aftercare until 5 pm.  Parents can sign up at the beginning of the year or on a drop-in basis with prior notice. 



Do you encourage parent involvement in the school?

We encourage parent involvement through conferences, observations, discussions, parent nights, and making materials. The staff feels that the more parents can understand the experiences of the child in the classroom, the better able they are to follow through at home. When parents follow through at home, the child benefits even more because he or she has a consistent environment in which to grow.

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